

PT. DELTA SURYA TEXTILE is a private shareholder company, established on Tuesday, 24 July 2001, it is targeted to produce good quality spinning yarn for national and international yarn markets.

It is established with 13 million US dollars investment and has 39.340 ring spindles production capacity.

It has continuously progressed in productivity and yarn quality and achieved about 650 tons of spun yarn production per month. The yarn is well accepted in domestic as well export yarn markets and the yearly sales turn over is around 26 million US dollars.

The company has around 500 employees and operates round the clock. It is situated in east java near Surabaya city.

The company produce 100% Poly and Blended Poly Viscose yarn, range on 12’S – 30’S for single and double yarn by two and by three, 20/2 - 40/2 for sewing thread.

These yarns are used for knitting as well air jet weaving and the fabrics are being exported.

The company has modern spinning technology with the world class machineries.